Session 9: Population and Population Change (Session 1)

Session Description

In this session, we will talk about how planners measure basic dimensions of population and change in population at the neighborhood level. We’ll introduce this week’s lab, which focuses on working with basic data on population characteristics.

Before Class

Klosterman 2

If you do not have one, please reigster for a U.S. Census Bureau API Key

Please download the Session 9 workbook. We will use this same workbook on Thursday as well.

This Week’s Reflection Prompt

  • Open reflection


Other Resources

New functions this week

  • The basic functions and use of the tidycensus package, including ways to download whole tables, specific variables, and options for shaping how data is downloaded.
  • The use of several elements from the stringr package that help us to search, find, and replace string values
  • case_when() To conditionally change values in character vectors
  • rename() and select() to rename columns
  • bind_rows() and bind_columns() to bind together rows or columns
  • The use of arrange() to sort data
  • More advanced features of the select() command, including renaming variables